Big data analytics offers revolutionary capabilities but achieving results requires a strategic vision—and a view into how it can create business value. Over the last few years, the term “big data” has evolved from a vague concept into a mainstream business strategy. But somewhere at the intersection of conceptual promise and real-world implementation, many business leaders, including CIOs, have faced a tough realization: putting the concept to work requires different tools, technologies and strategies than in the past.
Imagine you are a CIO who has identified a business use case for Big data analytics but is figuring out how to go about executing it. Tools, platforms, skillset and domain expertise all these weigh on your mind as you try to put together a team. Roping in an external partner is an advised course whether for consulting or for full implementation. The reason is simple: your experienced partner knows best as to what works and where things can fail. So he can limit your downside risk and at the same time maximize your upside gain.
Valiance recently did a Big data analytics project with an enterprise communications firm whereby we were supposed to extract customer insights from terabytes of unstructured data they had. …
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