Many people think that internet in the US is the fastest in the world. The truth is that the internet network in the United States is fundamentally broken. It requires huge investments in order to compete with the nationwide networks of Norway, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and many other developed countries.
Such a slow internet often obstructs the implementation of various advanced systems, processes and technologies. Since big data requires a complex infrastructure and extremely high computer performance, storing, structuring and analysis processes are sometimes directly affected by the low internet speeds and various other forms of outdated technology.
Why is U.S. internet so slow?
While Tier 1 and Tier 2 networks work relatively fine, the so called ‘last mile’ part of the network drastically decreases overall internet speed. This is the last stretch of infrastructure that connects individual homes and corporate offices with the rest of the network and brings worldwide data directly to our modems.
A huge part of this ‘last mile’ infrastructure is made of outdated coaxial copper cables that have connected our phones to the network since the time of Alexander Graham Bell. These cables have many ‘bottlenecks’ that slow data flow down. Although data easily travels thousands of miles …
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