Although there are now many connected devices, from Google Home to Amazon Echo, the Internet of Things still isn’t a big deal for the purchasing public. Look at Forbes’ 2017 predictions on the IoT and the other developments that go with it–AI, Big Data, etc–and there’s nothing necessarily positive. It’s a “buzzword”. Widespread adoption won’t happen because of complexity. The IoT will shut down the internet again like it did with the DDoS attack, only this time it will be worse. Cybersecurity for IoT devices will be a number one priority because, for one, ransomware will start hitting these devices, too.
But earlier in the same article, there are some predictions that bode well for the IoT. For one, chatbots will continue to take off, or as Narrative Science CEO Stuart Frankel puts it, “The movement towards conversational interfaces will accelerate.” When it comes to the consumer-facing side of the IoT, the conversational interface is access point for everything from asking Siri where the nearest gas station is to querying Home about artists similar to ABBA. Chatbots are indeed so relevant to the right-here-and-now of business that Aisle50 co-founder Christopher Steiner offers an investor’s guide to chatbots.
Steiner says, “The growing pool …
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