Not many people are familiar with the term “big data.” Big data affects everyone and what’s surprising is the fact that there is no education or training on its importance. In layman’s terms, the phrase big data is used to refer to large and complex sets of data that can be computationally analysed to reveal trends and patterns. So, many people are not aware of the concept of big data, how it is used, or even what it is. Just to give a few examples, big data is collected on your supermarket loyalty card as you shop, on your social media account, and on your smartphone.
Uses of Big Data
Data collected from your supermarket loyalty card can be used by these stores to identify trends and to create personalized offers and deals providing benefits to both the organization and its customers. Data collected online from people’s’ social media accounts can be anonymised and used to improve users’ experience online and many other good things. Data collected from satellites and smartphones can be used to determine the most popular routes in a city/town and help improve public transport. Local authorities can use big data to determine where social care is needed the …
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